The Bouches-du-Rhône donate €100,000 to the Red Cross to help Ukrainians

Initiatives are multiplying to help the Ukrainian people. Tuesday, March 1, the department of Bouches-du-Rhône made a donation of €100,000 to the French Red Cross. A sum intended to help the victims of the conflict.

Maxime Méry, head of engagement at the Red Cross, details the actions of the NGO “with the Ukrainian Red Cross we intervene _basic necessities_. We deliver water, electricity and we participate in the accommodation of the populations welcomed at the Ukrainian border”.

In addition to the €100,000 donation made to the Red Cross, the department is launching a collection of products of first necessity. All non-perishable foodstuffs can be dropped off at Bel-Age departmental houses or with the fire department. They are responsible for sorting donations before handing them over to the Red Cross.

“We were all shocked by the violence of the fighting taking place in Ukraine” Martine Vassal

For its part, the NGO has also launched a call for donations via its website. “We call on each other to contribute financially to our actions to come to aid to people in Ukraine and on neighboring countries“says Maxime Méry.

Last measure of the Bouches-du-Rhône department, symbolically, the Hôtel du département, in Marseille, will light up in the evening with the colors, blue and yellow, of the Ukrainian flag.

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