the Bouches-du Rhône and the Var are added to the two departments already placed in orange vigilance

Seven departments are still affected by orange vigilance for the risk of thunderstorms, with the departure of Aude.

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The Bouches-du Rhône and the Var go into orange vigilance for the risk of heavy rain and flooding, according to the latest report from Météo France, Tuesday August 16. They are added to Gard and Hérault.

Aude, for its part, leaves the list of departments concerned by orange vigilance for the risk of thunderstorms. The seven departments still concerned are the Gard, Hérault, Aveyron, Tarn, Var, Vaucluse and Bouches-du-Rhône.

The forecaster anticipates thunderstorms “accompanied by strong electrical activity, hailstorms and strong accumulations of precipitation”with “local accumulations of 20 to 50 millimeters in less than an hour” and “gusts of wind around 70 to 90 km / h”.

Hérault and Gard will be particularly affected with accumulations that may “locally exceed 100 to 130 millimeters” with some “strong gusts of wind, hail and marked electrical activity”and even a possibility of “vortex phenomena, waterspouts or even tornadoes”. Metéo France also warns the south-west despite yellow vigilance, because locally strong thunderstorms may break out in the evening and first part of the night from Tuesday to Wednesday”.

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