the boss of the Wagner group threatens to leave Bakhmout and exhausts the Russian staff

What there is to know

The boss of the Russian paramilitary group Wagner threatened Friday, May 5, to withdraw his troops next week from the city of Bakhmout, the epicenter of the fighting in eastern Ukraine, accusing the Russian general staff of the deprive of ammunition. Letting his anger explode in several videos of rare virulence, the businessman Evguéni Prigojine also questioned the high command for the “tens of thousands” Russians killed and injured in Ukraine. Follow our live.

Russia has announced the partial evacuation of occupied localities near the front line in the south. Some 18 localities under Russian occupation in the Zaporizhia region of southern Ukraine have been evacuated as kyiv says it is preparing an imminent offensive.

Ukraine estimates that Russia wants to conquer Bakhmu by Tuesday. As tensions come to light, on the ground, fighting continues. According to Ukrainian Deputy Defense Minister Ganna Maliar, Russia hopes to conquer Bakhmut by Tuesday, the day it celebrates victory over Nazi Germany with great fanfare in a grand celebration of patriotic exaltation.

Suspected drone attack in Moscow: Russia accuses the United States again. Thousands of kilometers from the battlefield, during a trip to India, the head of Russian diplomacy once again accused the United States of being linked to an alleged attack by Ukrainian drones against the Kremlin that Moscow claims to have foiled on Wednesday. “The capacity of our Ukrainian and Western friends to lie is very well known”, indeed said Sergei Lavrov, sweeping away the denials of kyiv and Washington.

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