the boss of the Russian paramilitary group Wagner thinks of taking Bakhmout “in March or April”

Yevgeny Prigojine believes that the slowness of Russian progress is due to the “monstrous military bureaucracy”.

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The tempo of the Russian offensive is becoming clearer. The boss of the Russian paramilitary group Wagner believes that Bakhmout, the epicenter of the fighting in eastern Ukraine, will not be conquered by Moscow before “March or April”believing that the slow Russian progress was due to the “monstrous military bureaucracy”. “To take Bakhmout, we must cut off all supply routes”said Yevgeny Prigojine, in videos published overnight from Wednesday to Thursday in February on Telegram.

“I think we would have taken Bakhmout if it weren’t for this monstrous military bureaucracy, and if we weren’t being put in the way every day”, lambasted Yevgeny Prigojine in another video on the Telegram channel of his press service. According to him, the fact that Wagner can no longer recruit prisoners to go to the front in exchange for an amnesty constitutes a “bleeding” for his organization.

The private paramilitary organization Wagner has been leading the offensive against Bakhmout for months at the cost of very heavy losses. It recruited large numbers of prisoners to go and fight in Ukraine.

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