the boss of the Indre police invites the inhabitants to call 17

A broken car window, the door of your neighbors gone on forced vacation? Call 17!
This is what is repeated this morning on France Bleu Berry Edouard Malis, the Departmental Director of Public Security of Indre (DDSP). “In order for us to be able to intervene as quickly as possible and to be able to apprehend all the phenomena of delinquency which are in this agglomeration, we must be aware of them” he assures. Better call for “nothing” than not preventing and not allowing rapid intervention.
The DDSP also recalls that the police work 24 hours a day, and that calls can be taken both during the day and in the middle of the night.

Sufficient numbers in the Castelroussine police

Interventions that are made quickly also because the police officers, both municipal and national, are quite numerous in the Indre. Even if the announcement of a dozen additional municipal police officers is obviously welcomed: “Already, with the 23, we are working very, very well. With the 33, we will work even better” welcomes the boss of the police. He recalls that the municipal police “benefits from a portable radio which allows him to listen to the airwaves of the national police and to intervene in complete safety with them”.

The reinforcement of 16 police officers in two years has also made it possible toincrease the number of patrols on public roads particularly with regard to speeding and driving under the influence of alcohol and narcotics.


No scourge of urban rodeos in Indre

While Interior Minister Gérald Darmanin insisted this summer on the importance of fight against urban rodeos
the boss of the Indian police affirms it: it is not a scourge on our territory. “It exists, but in a fairly residual way. Which also proves the good collaboration between the national and municipal police forces which patrol regularly and which prevents this phenomenon.”

source site-38