the boss of the group of private nursing homes apologizes

In view of “serious malfunctions“, the state “file a complaint and seize the public prosecutor”on the basis of article 40 of the criminal procedure code which obliges any authority to report criminal facts of which she would be aware, said Saturday on France Inter the minister delegate in charge of the autonomy of the elderly, Brigitte Bourguignon. And “we demand restitution” public grants allegedly diverted from their purposes, she added.

These decisions follow the investigation report that the General Inspectorates of Finance (IGF) and Social Affairs (IGAS) have just transmitted to the government, which had seized them on February 1 to light on the facts denounced by the journalist Victor Castanet in an explosive book, “The Gravediggers”.

In an interview at Figaro published on Saturday evening, the CEO of Orpea, Philippe Charrier, “regret” that the report “is neither made public nor made available to stakeholders” because he “lets conclude” that“there is no organized system at Orpea that would lead to mistreatment”. Furthermore, Mr. Charrier takes “act of the minister’s decision to send the report to the public prosecutor”.

“The malfunctions identified” are linked “most often (to) a shortage of professionals care and support affecting the entire sector”defends the CEO of the private nursing home group, who however says he has taken “the full extent of the legitimate emotion aroused by these dysfunctions”.

“On behalf of Orpea, I offer my most sincere apologies to the residents and families (….) We will improve.” – Philippe Charrier, CEO of Orpea

About the public grants allegedly diverted from their purposesfor which the State will claim reimbursement and which amount to “few millions” euros, according to Brigitte Bourguignon, Philippe Charrier defends his company: “The report notes a surplus of 20 million euros in four years, i.e. 1.5% of public allocations

Beyond the accounting aspect, the administration inspectors noted “weaknesses in supporting residents” : the “satisfaction of (their) nutritional needs” leaves something to be desired, some personal “were not necessarily up to it” and residences accommodated too many residents in relation to their authorized capacity.

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