The right would like to verify that the executive’s speech of firmness at the time of the riots was indeed followed by effects. The head of the Les Républicains à l’Assembly group just wrote to Élisabeth Borne on Wednesday to find out, this is the information in the brief.
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Olivier Marleix tried his luck on September 20 with Éric Dupond-Moretti to find out how many people were ultimately sentenced after the riots at the end of June-beginning of July, but the Minister of Justice did not follow up. Wednesday October 18 in the evening, the boss of the LR group in the Assembly therefore wrote to the upper floor. In a letter that the francinfo political service was able to consult, he asked the Prime Minister for an assessment, department by department, of the prosecutions and convictions after the riots, which gave rise to nearly 3,800 arrests.
>> Riots after the death of Nahel: nearly 3,700 people placed in police custody, a third of whom are minors
Olivier Marleix wants to know the precise results because the right would like to verify that the speech of firmness of the executive at the time of the riots was indeed followed by effects. Éric Dupond-Moretti had passed the instructions for a criminal response “firm, rapid and systematic”. Three months later, Olivier Marleix wants “know how many people have been convictedhe confides, and how many parents of minors have been convicted”. A third of those arrested were under 18, including children aged 12-13 involved in the riots. Emmanuel Macron, at that time, called parents to be responsible. The Minister of Justice himself promised to use article 227-17 of the penal code which allows the parents of arrested minors to be prosecuted. Olivier Marleix wants to see if this threat has been carried out.
Olivier Marleix threatens to seize the Commission for Access to Administrative Documents
If Élisabeth Borne does not comply with Olivier Marleix’s request by providing him with this data, the boss of the LR group threatens to seize the Cada, the Commission for Access to Administrative Documents, an independent administrative authority that can be requested if we are refused access to certain documents. “It would be annoying to have to contact the Cada to access this information”, he warns in his letter to the Prime Minister. If the government does not respond, Olivier Marleix will do everything to recover the data… and then communicate it himself. And if ever the results do not live up to what LR expects, the right will obviously use it politically to accuse the send a destructive message of impunity” as Olivier Marleix wrote to Élisabeth Borne.
The letter sent by Olivier Marleix to Élisabeth Borne: