The boss of hunters, Willy Schraen, believes that they have “a role to play” in terms of “community policing” in the forest

The president of the National Federation of Hunters claims to want to offer a “partnership” to rural elected officials, in order to fight “against rural and environmental delinquency”.

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The president of the National Federation of Hunters, Willy Schraen, believes, in an interview with Sunday newspapere (JDD) published Sunday, November 14, that the departmental federations of hunters havea role to play in community policing ”. During the Congress of Mayors to be held on November 16, 17 and 18 in Paris, he announced that he wanted to propose to rural elected representatives apartnership” in order to give the sworn officers of his federation police powers in the forest, to fight against rural and environmental delinquency “.

“It’s not about giving hunters weapons to carry out these missions, or about turning our agents into environmental policemen.”

Willy Schraen, President of the National Federation of Hunters

in the “Sunday newspaper”

“I think that in terms of community policing, the departmental federations of hunters have a role to play in contributing to the prevention and surveillance of the territories”, he argues. “Within the federation, we have development officers. These are trained and sworn professionals already working in certain municipalities who have requested it for the regulation of certain harmful species “, develops the boss of hunters.

What could their mission be? These agentscould, tomorrow, under the control of the State and the mayors, have broader missions to deal with illegal garbage dumps, the straying of domestic animals, problems related to the presence of motorized vehicles in the forest in sensitive places, etc. It would be a question of drawing up reports and of noting flagrant offenses “, he explains.

Willy Schraen also spoke of the hunting accidents of the last few weeks, of which non-hunters have been victims. “I obviously deplore these accidents and I fight every day so that it does not happen again”, he assures. He intends to develop “intensive safety training “, but regret that we “publicizes too much” these accidents. “This is why I am going to propose that if someone kills or seriously injures a person by having committed a serious fault, it is no longer possible for him to recover his hunting license”, he says.

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