the borrowing rules have been relaxed in a very tentative way


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Borrowing rates are expected to reach 4% in September. To combat this situation, Bercy has announced timid measures to make access to credit more flexible. The point with Gaspard de Florival, on the set of 19/20, Tuesday June 13.

Bercy has not taken a big decision to allow easier access to credit, while the real estate market is in crisis, and its sales are down. Pfinally have a question of touching the two standards that have governed access to these mortgages since 2022 : the maximum debt ratio for borrowers remains unchanged, 35% of net income. Just like the duration of the mortgage To 25 years maximum”, underlines Gaspard de Florival, present on the set of 19/20, Tuesday June 13. The goal is not to weaken the buyers during this inflation, while myîreducing the risk of household over-indebtedness.

Exceptions exist

However, there are exceptions. “Ihe regulations now provide a derogation for 20% of mortgages. It aims above all to favor households seeking to acquire their residence. mainespecially first-time buyers”, continues the journalist. But with rising rates, access To the property is completely seized up.

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