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The lynx attracts the anger of the breeders of Ain. The department is experiencing a resurgence of attacks on ewes at the end of the year. In Neuville-sur-Ain, a farm has reportedly been hit twice in recent days.
Eyes that sparkle, on a video: these are rare images of a boreal lynx, interrupted in its meal. At the edge of the forest, a youngster observes the scene, and prefers to get away from the sheep. The moment was captured by Bertrand Delorme, when he came to see his five sheep. “They are very discreet, but when you get on them they go really very slowly, like cats“, observes the inhabitant of Saint-Martin-du-Mont (Ain).
The predator is starting to worry the breeders of the region. Julien Radix has just discovered two sheep corpses, and he has no doubts, they are indeed the lynxes. “They cut a part of the skin on the trachea, and we can see the perforations of the fangs, typical of the lynx “, he says. He has already lost ten animals this year. A hundred lynx live in the Jura massif, a territory straddling Switzerland, where the feline was reintroduced 50 years ago. In France, the boreal lynx is an endangered species, therefore protected.