The book Tears and courage – Our lives behind the masks

Remember Tuesday, December 31, 2019, that’s a long way off, eh? [BOB01] Full of hopes that will be showered by this announcement: the WHO is warned of the existence in Hubei of a new pathology, “pneumonia of unknown origin …”. It’s an official alert of what will be the first pandemic of the 21st century. The information goes almost unnoticed, but its reality is creeping and insidiously taking hold in our world. The shadow of this threat will take advantage of our ignorance to strike, destabilize, weaken and kill. 2020 will not be as hoped! It will be a year when nothing is impossible.

And COVID-19 will hurt our caregivers, all health services are on the bridge. Including those of Colmar, at the heart of a turmoil of unparalleled magnitude which will reveal unprecedented solidarity and collective strength. This book retraces the extraordinary human adventure, the courage and the commitment of these healthcare teams in their lives, behind their masks, in the face of this first wave. A book written by Nicolas Beaumont and doctor Yannick GOTTVALLES, head of the emergency department at Colmar Civil Hospitals, traces this unprecedented period with lots of photos and descriptions. It was published with the support of the Fondation de France and the Anne-Marie and Roger Dreyfus Foundation. 29 € 90 at your favorite bookseller.

The book on the Baobab publisher’s site.

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