The book “Oh! AfricArt” deciphers the works of 52 contemporary visual artists

“Oh! AfricArt” follows the program of the same name dedicated to contemporary African art. This program, co-produced by Tim Newman and Sonia Perrin and presented by Elizabeth Tchoungui, Franco-Cameroonian journalist and writer, was broadcast in 2021 on France Télévisions, TV5Monde and

Far from a Western vision, the book Oh! AfricArt (Editions du Chêne) highlights the abundant artistic creation of the African continent. It presents an eclectic body of work that reflects the inspirations and demands made by contemporary painters, photographers and visual artists in a pan-African selection.

Through the explanatory sheets written by Elizabeth Tchoungui, each work produced in the 21st century, mostly less than ten years ago, is explained and put back in its context of creation.

Here are a few examples.

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