the book “Landes sauvage” published by Confluences editions

“Wild moors”, an album of photographs on the Landes fauna and a reflection on the wild fauna in the Landes of today, signed Eric, Jean-Philippe and Cyrille Audinet and Jérôme Fouert-Pouret.

In the footsteps of Arnaudin

In his Journal, the photographer Félix Arnaudin talks about his endless stalking of hare, wood pigeon, ducks, etc. Quite quickly, he reported on a project for a book on hunting and wildlife. This book will never be written but we have many fragments left which give us a precise idea of ​​what the fauna was in the Landes at the end of the 19th century. More than a century later, wildlife photography has become one of the branches of photography, practiced by professionals and many amateurs, a particularly time-consuming activity to which Jean-Philippe and Cyrille Audinet devote a large part of their time, surveying the Landes de Gascogne, from Hourtin to the Orx marsh, their cases slung over their shoulder.

Wild moors

In this country, the landscape, the occupation and the human practices having largely evolved, the fauna obviously also changed. It is this double movement which is at the origin of “Wild Landes”: what has evolved from a point of view of fauna between the years 1875-1920, and 2000-2020? And what has evolved in parallel from a point of view of photography? What is the status of wildlife in this territory, which to this day remains the largest industrial forest in Europe? The result of nearly 25 years of work, this beautiful book is a true tribute to wild life and to the Landes de Gascogne Regional Nature Park.

“Wild Landes”, Confluences editions. € 35

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