the bombardments intensify in the East



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Monday, May 9, Russian bombardments continue in Ukraine. The Ukrainian army is retreating more and more in Lyssytchansk.

Monday May 9, while Vladimir Putin speaks on the occasion of the commemorations of May 9, in Kramatorsk in Ukraine, Ukrainians do not want to listen to him. “He’s an aggressor, look what he does“, denounces one of them. This day is without respite for the country. A refinery has been bombed since the day before. The shells fall on each side of the road.

Lyssychansk has become a ghost town under Russian fire. Residents rush to collect bottles of water. They feel abandoned. This historic date of May 9 no longer has the same symbolism. “For us, it was a day of celebration. For our grandfathers, this memory of the fight against fascism. Today, we only think of one thing, and that is to survive”, says a woman. The soldiers evacuated the hospital to move it further to the rear of the front as the city was bombed. The Ukrainian army is retreating, there are not even any more soldiers at the roadblock, they redeploy 10 kilometers further.

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