the bombardments intensify in the Donbass, Volodymyr Zelensky speaks of “hell”

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Russian forces are stepping up their pressure in the Donbass, in eastern Ukraine. To the point of transforming the region into “hell”, said Volodymyr Zelensky, Friday, May 20. The Ukrainian president also considered that the massive aid announced by Washington to kyiv was not “not just spending or donating” but an investment for the security of the West. SFollow our live.

A UN convoy is on its way to Mariupol. He is waited until Friday to evacuate the last civilians holed up in the Azovstal steelworks. It is “recover the remaining civilians from this dark hell, which they have inhabited for so many weeks and months, and bring them back to safety”Explain UN Under-Secretary-General for Humanitarian Affairs Martin Griffiths. The Russian Ministry of Defense announced Thursday that 1,730 Ukrainian soldiers holed up on the steel site had surrendered since Monday.

Massive aid from Washington to kyiv. The US Congress released Thursday evening a gigantic envelope of 40 billion dollars (38 billion euros) for Ukraine. In this aid, 6 billion dollars should enable kyiv to equip itself with armored vehicles and strengthen its anti-aircraft defence.

The perpetuity required against Vadim Chichimarine. The maximum sentence has been requested for the first Russian soldier tried for war crimes, in kyiv. LThe prosecutor asked the court on Thursday to pronounce “a sentence of deprivation of liberty for life” versus Vadim Chichimarine, accused of having killed a civilian at the end of February.

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