the body of a Franco-Israeli hostage was found


Video length: 1 min

War between Israel and Hamas: the body of a Franco-Israeli hostage has been found

War between Israel and Hamas: the body of a Franco-Israeli hostage was found – (France 2)

Article written by

France 2 – M. de Chalvron, A. Vahramian, H. Nalbandian, M. Benoliel, S. Malin

France Televisions

The announcement of the death of a French Hamas hostage since October 7, Elya Toledano, was made on the morning of Friday December 15. The body of the 28-year-old young man was discovered in the Gaza Strip.

Elya Toledano is in everyone’s thoughts, Friday December 15, at the El’ad cemetery (Israel) where her loved ones are preparing to bury her. He was 28 years old and Franco-Israeli. Kidnapped by Hamas on October 7, the young man was found dead in the Gaza Strip. The announcement was made early in the morning by the Israeli army. “We were going from hope to despair in recent days, we no longer knew. It’s a shame, we lost a pearl“, says her aunt, Viviane Toledano.

A friend of Miya Chem

Elya Toledano was kidnapped during the rave party in Re’im (Israel), attacked by Hamas men. He was there with his friend Miya Chem, also Franco-Israeli. The young woman was released on November 30 as part of an agreement between Israel and Hamas. Elya Toledano did not survive. The families of the hostages, still mobilized in Tel Aviv, are demanding their immediate release.

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