the bodies of the three missing French climbers have been found, local police say

Louis Pachoud, Gabriel Miloche and Thomas Arfi disappeared on October 26, in the Everest region, during their ascent of the west face of Mingbo Eiger.

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Three bodies were discovered by mountain guides in Nepal. The local police announced, Monday, November 8, to have identified them as being those of the three climbers missing after an avalanche in the Everest region on October 26. The bodies were discovered “roughly in the same area where the research was conducted” of the three missing young French mountaineers, he said.

“A helicopter accompanied by a rescue team made up of professional mountain guides were dispatched to bring back these bodies”, continued the policeman. The search operations of Louis Pachoud, Gabriel Miloche and Thomas Arfi, French mountaineers took place at an altitude of 6,070 meters.

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