The bodies of 410 civilians found in the recently liberated territories near Kyiv

The dead bodies of 410 civilians have been found in the territories of the Kyiv region recently recaptured from Russian troops by Ukrainian forces, Ukrainian Prosecutor General Iryna Venediktova announced on Sunday.

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“410 bodies of dead civilians have been evacuated from the liberated territories” around the capital and “forensic experts have already examined 140 of them”, she said, speaking during a broadcast broadcast on several Ukrainian TV channels.

Ms. Venediktova suggested that there were probably many other bodies that had not yet been recovered for examination.

At the same time, witnesses are being sought from the local population and photo and video evidence is being collected, the prosecutor continued.

In the town of Boucha alone, northwest of Kyiv, nearly 300 people were buried in mass graves, Ukrainian authorities said.

They accused the Russian army on Sunday of having committed a “massacre” in this locality and “horrors” in the regions now “liberated from the invader”, which sparked outrage in Europe and the United States. United as well as calls for additional sanctions against Moscow.

The Ukrainians have regained control of the entire Kyiv region after the withdrawal of Russian soldiers from key towns around the capital, the Ukrainian Defense Ministry announced on Saturday.

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