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At sea for 15 days with more than 200 surviving migrants on board, the humanitarian ship Ocean Viking ended up obtaining the approval of a European port to disembark. It will be in Toulon, Friday, November 11, announced Gérald Darmanin.
L’Ocean Viking is heading for Toulon where it should dock on Friday November 11 at 8 a.m. The result of a showdown with Italy, which refuses to welcome the humanitarian ship with 230 migrants on board. France therefore decides to do it in its place. “The humanitarian situation on board the ship Ocean Viking calls for immediate action now. Each additional hour of navigation poses very significant risks to the lives of some of its passengers”said Gerald Darmaninat the end of the Council of Ministers.
For the association that takes care of this boat, it is a relief tinged with bitterness. “It is unprecedented, we have never had to wait so long for a safe port to be designated. It is extremely far from the rescue zone and we is not not at all within the framework of maritime law”regrets Sophie Beau, general manager of SOS Méditerranée. Corsica and the socialist mayor of Marseille had announced that they were ready to receive the boat, but the government opted for the military base in Toulon. The executive ensures that migrants who are not eligible for asylum will be returned quickly. The others will be divided mainly between France and Germany.