the Blues take the lead at the break against the Welsh (20-7)

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4:29 p.m. : What a game ! And Ramos who turns everything into gold. It’s an extra terrestrial!

4:26 p.m. : After conceding the first seven points of the match, France inflicted a 20-7 on the Welsh with the conversion of Thomas Ramos. The Blues have recovered well.

4:24 p.m. : Second French test through Jonathan Danty. France leads 18-7.

4:18 p.m. : France took the lead thanks to the successful penalty from Thomas Ramos. The Blues lead 10/7.

4:02 p.m. : The XV of France has equalized! The score is now 7-7 against Wales, thanks to a try and then the transformation of Thomas Ramos. Note that the player scored no less than 70 points in this Six Nations Tournament.

3:58 p.m. : The Blues make up for their first delay! Just after the Welsh try, the French closed the gap in the 10th minute with a try from Damian Penaud. We are at 5-7 for Wales.

3:55 p.m. : First difficulty for the XV of France, led 7-0 by Wales after a try from George North and conversion from Dan Biggar.

3:50 p.m. : Wales kicked off with Dan Biggar. Will the XV of France keep its title against the XV of the leek? Our colleagues from franceinfo sport come back to the keys to the meeting.

3:50 p.m. : Let’s go for France-Wales at the Stade de France! You can follow this meeting in our live.

3:45 p.m. : In Mazamet (Tarn), the rugby player Thomas Ramos is the pride of the inhabitants. In his home town, he made an impression with his performance last Saturday against England, tells France 3 Occitanie.


3:37 p.m. : Will the XV of France keep its crown in the Six Nations Tournament? Not everything will depend on the Blues… France will necessarily have to win against Wales, but England will also have to win against Ireland, today from 6 p.m.

3:35 p.m. : After the meeting between Scotland and Italy, it’s time for France – Wales from 3:45 p.m. at the Stade de France! You will be able to follow this particularly awaited match with us in our live.

The captain of the XV of France, Antoine Dupont, in training on the lawn of the Stade de France, in Saint-Denis (Seine-Saint-Denis) on March 17, 2023.


3:31 p.m. : ? #SixNations | ? ViaMichelin ? Follow the live:

3:31 p.m. : Victory for Scotland against Italy! The XV du Chardon won 26-14 against the Squadra Azzurra, which thus won … its twelfth wooden spoon in the Six Nations Tournament.

2:32 p.m. : After leading at the start of the game, the Squadra Azzurra is now trailing (6-12) against Scotland, on the last day of the Six Nations Tournament.

2:04 p.m. : Will the Italians manage to win their first victory of the Six Nations Tournament this afternoon against Scotland? For now, the Squadra Azzurra leads 6-5 against XV du Chardon. The match can be watched live here.

1:21 p.m. : Before France-Wales this afternoon at the Stade de France, another particularly awaited match begins soon, on this last day of the Six Nations Tournament. This is the meeting between Scotland and Italy, from 1:30 p.m. (Paris time) at Murrayfield. Will the XV of Thistle find victory, after their defeat against Ireland last week? It is to be followed live here, with our colleagues from franceinfo Sport.

10:00 a.m. : Good morning @ovalie, In effect ! The XV of France will face Wales at 3:45 p.m. on the lawn of the Stade de France, for this last day of the tournament. The meetings between Ireland and England and between Scotland and Italy are also expected.

09:59 : Good morning. It will be a rugby afternoon with the last 3 matches of this great VI nations tournament. Go Littles!

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