the Blues impose themselves in power and sign a ninth victory in a row

The Blues suffered against Japan, both in the first half and in the heat (34 degrees and 80% humidity). But they finally signed a ninth victory in a row (42-23) by demonstrating that the dynamic created by the Grand Slam had not been eroded. With a group made up of 17 neophytes, but also a few indisputable starters, Fabien Galthié’s team showed their power on Saturday July 2 to bring down the Brave Blossoms in the second half.

The XV of France is approaching its record of consecutive victories. The latter has ten successes and dates from the 1930s, a time as remote as the opponents of the French at that time (they had beaten the Germans eight times to reach this mark). It is therefore a major performance that the men of Galthié have just signed over time. Even if the ambient humidity of Aichi almost cut off the good momentum.

Sawed off and short of breath, the French often seemed to lack rhythm during a first period where the three exceptionally planned cool breaks were obviously not too much. However, before being suffocated by the lack of oxygen, Charles Ollivon’s partners had successfully taken off with a try from Damian Penaud from the 3rd minute.

The Brave Blossoms didn’t fade, however, and quickly reattached to the blue cleats. These were heavy, and the hands were sweaty. Inaccuracies due to weather conditions as to the experimental team aligned by the coach. If the latter had announced that this tour in the Land of the Rising Sun would serve as “laboratory“, we can bet that the experiments were conclusive. Because after joining the locker room on a parity score (13-13), the old formulas and the test-tube babies reacted perfectly.

Much denser physically, the Blues suddenly returned to the combinations that had taken them to the roof of Europe a few months earlier. In the end, they passed four more tries to a desperate Japanese defense and sent, if necessary, a new strong signal for the next 2023 World Cup organized in France.

Next Saturday, in Tokyo this time, they will have the opportunity to confirm this more than convincing success. But before that, they can also look back and remember that before this big victory, the last clash against Japan, in 2017, ended in a sluggish draw in Nanterre (23-23). Another era, another team above all…

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