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The establishment of protected areas at sea has benefits. Head for the Côte Bleue near Marseille (Bouches-du-Rhône) where the 28 kilometers of coastline and its marine park have seen its fauna and flora come back to life.
It is a place where nature has taken over. The Blue Coast Marine Park is an ultra-protected area, a paradise of the seabed. One of the park reserve wardens is Marie Bravo Monin. This experience began in 1983 with the full protection of a 25 hectare area in Carry-Le-Rouet (Bouches-du-Rhône). Delimited by yellow beacons, the reserves preserve a very fragile environment, with a whole host of restrictions. “No spearfishing, no professional fishing, no recreational fishing, no anchoring, no scuba diving, no collection of living organisms”explains Marie Bravo Monin.
Under the water is an ecosystem of great richness. A rebirth thanks to actions carried out for forty years such as the removal of abandoned nets or the installation of artificial reefs. Thanks to his efforts, more than 240 species of fish have now been identified by scientists. Fishermen have become accustomed to these protected areas because they favor fish production.