“The blockage is absolutely scandalous”, denounces Jean-Eudes du Mesnil, general secretary of the CPME


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On franceinfo, the secretary general of the Confederation of SMEs, denounces the call to “bring the country to a halt” launched by the inter-union opposed to the pension reform.

“The blockage is absolutely outrageous” according to the secretary general of the Confederation of SMEs (CPME) Jean-Eudes du Mesnil, who denounces this Tuesday March 7 on franceinfo a “form of blackmail” who is not “eligible”. The unions have called for France to be “off” this Tuesday to protest against the pension reform, a few days before a probable adoption of the text in the Senate.

>> LIVE. Strike against pension reform: fuel shipments blocked in “all refineries” in France, announces the CGT

“There is a form of concern because we don’t know what the exact nature of the blockage will be or how long it will last”, explains Jean-Eudes du Mesnil. This sixth day of mobilization since January should mark the launch or continuation of renewable strikes in the transport, refinery or energy sectors. These organized blockades “by a minority” are one “threat to business”he laments. “When around thirty employees are able to block a refinery, that raises a number of questions”he points.

“We quantify the cost of a day of strike, when there is a slowdown in activity of around 20%, around 1.4 billion euros”explains the representative of the employers’ organization. “All this at an economical cost”he insists even if “teleworking helps limit damage”he nuances.

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