the birth rate is at its lowest in France


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Demographics: the birth rate is at its lowest in France

Demography: the birth rate is at its lowest in France – (franceinfo)

A drop in births of 6.8% was recorded in France between January and November 2023 compared to the same period in 2022.

In France, there are fewer and fewer infants every year, with 45,000 fewer births between January and November 2023, compared to the same period in 2022. This represents a drop of 6.8% in the number of births in France during this period in 2023 compared to the previous year. This development could be a simple effect of delaying births over time.

France is the most fertile country in the EU

“We have a postponement of the age at motherhood (…) what is important in terms of demographic consequences for France is to look at the end of fertile life”, explains Chloé Tavan, head of the demographic surveys and studies division at INSEE. The economic situation, inflation or climate change can also have an impact on births. With 1.8 children per woman on average, France nevertheless remains the most fertile country in the European Union.

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