The binturong
The binturong lives in the primary and secondary forests ofSouth East Asia
He has the size of a big cathence the name bear cat, which lives in treesknowing that it is a carnivorous. It’s quite particular as physics. It is very dark, not easy to observe in the trees.
He manages to use its prehensile tail. It is very rare in carnivores. It really serves as his fifth limb to cling to the trees. They are very, very agile.
The role of the binturong in a forest?
Although it is carnivorous, the binturong eats a lot of fruit. By eating fruitthey go scatter seeds everywhere in the forest. This will allow to pollinate pretty much everywhere.
– Pierrick Boyer
True or false?
It seems that the Binturong smells like popcorn to attract girls?
It’s what we say. The binturong has a very strong smell, very special. Everyone has their own opinion on this smell. She likes more or less, but is it the smell of popcorn?!
This animal is incredible since apparently it is able to delay fertilization after mating?
True this is called the embryonic diapause. There are quite a few species that are capable of this. like deer or bears. This makes it possible to trigger a farrowing when the period is a little more favorable in terms of weather and cold.
– Valerie Pohair
The character of the binturong: rather bear or rather cat.
It depends on the individuals. At the animal park, the binturongs have quite different characters. The female going to be rather cat. She is very very calm. She sleeps quietly in her corner. The male has a slightly more bearish side to it. As a result, when he sees the healers pass, he is not always happy.
How are the binturongs doing at the animal park?
They are doing very well! There is a female Fifi and a male bangka, the name of an island in Southeast Asia. The couple had a little one this year in January 2022, called Kawan, which means friend in Malay. They had already had a girl, Suka, last year. They are a very young couple who have already had two little ones. Things are going very well between them. There will surely be many more births in the years to come.
The binturong is a species threatened with extinction in the wild and classified as vulnerable
To see the binturongs at the animal park of Auvergne, head for house number 40 and don’t forget to look up at the top of the trees.
– Auvergne animal park
The Auvergne animal park of Ardes sur Couze
The Auvergne animal park has been committed since 2012 to the protection of endangered species. You will discover species in danger of extinction. The park also financially supports wildlife protection programs around the world. 1€ of your ticket is donated to Play for Nature to support these programs
To discover the 350 animals of 65 different species and prepare your visit, head to the site of the Auvergne animal park in Ardes sur Couze. The park is open all summer from 8:30 a.m. to 7:00 p.m.. Please note that pets are not allowed in the park.
Of many activities with animals are offered to you: day caretaker, family safari, privileged encounter…and new for 2022: breakfast with the animals before the park opens!
Follow the news of the Auvergne animal park on Facebook
– AlonzoDesign