the bill debated in the Senate



Video length: 3 mins.


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Journalist Caroline Motte presents her political column on the set of 12/13, Thursday March 2. On the program: the pension reform now in the hands of the Senate, or the very advantageous pension plan for senators.

The pension reform is now in the hands of senators, Thursday, March 2. “Olivier Dussopt will present the reform to the senators. 4,718 amendments have been tabled, that’s four times less than the deputies”explain journalist Caroline Motte, present on the set of 12/13. The Senate hopes to be able “to examine the entire text and, strategically, the famous article 7 which pushes back the legal age of departure to 64 years will not be debated before March 7, the next day of mobilization”adds the journalist.

The high pension of senators

Senators, whether left or right, “promise a more peaceful debate than in the Assembly”, reports Caroline Motte. The Senate has until March 12, midnight, to finalize the examination of the text. However, it is difficult to ask the French to make an effort when you yourself benefit from a very advantageous regime. “A six-year term gives them a monthly pension of 2,190 euros net per month, after 62, much more than the average French pension, which is 1,400 euros. This is an opportunity for the left to s seize the subject: it proposes to put an end to this very generous system, as the deputies did in 2018”underline Caroline Motte.

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