the bill could be toughened



Video duration:
1 minute

France 2

Article written by

France 2 – C. Motte, J. Assouly, H. Pozzo, F. Simoes, N. Murviedo

France Televisions

The alleged murderer of Dominique Bernard was under an expulsion order and yet could not be deported. The Minister of the Interior explains Monday October 16 that with the immigration law, it will be different. Will this law really change things? Response elements.

Firmness and intransigence. After the attack in Arras (Pas-de-Calais), the executive has no other choice but to get this message across. Security, foreigners, integration, expulsion… At the heart of the discussions on October 16 at the Elysée: the immigration bill. At the exit, Gérald Darmanin opens the door to a toughening of the text which he will bring to the Senate in 3 weeks: “We must continue to work harder, with more firmness”, according to the Minister of the Interior.

Not enough for the right and the far right

Not enough for the right: “What we are asking is that anyone who poses a risk to our country can be expelled without coercion“, explains Eric Ciotti, president of the Les Républicains party. The right assures us that it will not vote for this text if the regularization of undocumented immigrants in professions under pressure is maintained. Same position for the extreme right. The government wants to speed up the timetable: the bill could arrive in December at the National Assembly.

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