Video length: 5 min
2024 Legislative Elections: “The big theme of Sunday evening is everyone’s satisfaction”, predicts political scientist Jean-Christophe Gallien
Rachel Garrat-Valcarcel, political journalist at 20 Minutes, Jean-Christophe Gallien, political scientist and political communicator and Eddy Vautrin-Dumaine, director of studies at Verian, are the guests of 19/20 info, Friday July 5.
Rachel Garrat-Valcarcel, political journalist at 20 Minutes, Jean-Christophe Gallien, political scientist and Eddy Vautrin-Dumaine, director of studies at Verian, are the guests of 19/20 info, Friday July 5.
A poll conducted by Ipsos-Talan for Radio France and France Télévisions among 10,101 people invalidates the absolute majority of the National Rally (RN), which would only be awarded between 175 and 205 seats in the National Assembly after the second round of the legislative elections on Sunday, July 7. Rachel Garrat-Valcarcel, political journalist at 20 minutes, also points out: “that there is no majority at all” with “no block above 200 seats”, And “almost (…) three blocks of almost equal importance”. According to this projection, the Ensemble! group would obtain at least 120 seats, while the left could progress thanks to “to good reports from the Macronist electorate”.
The left, which could obtain between 145 and 175 seats, would be close behind the National Rally. Enough to satisfy “everyone” Sunday evening, summarizes Jean-Christophe Gallien, political scientist and political communicator. The RN should do “a huge progression”while Ensemble! benefits from the campaigns of its two opponents, even if the political scientist wishes “stay cautious about the assessment” “Then we have the New Popular Front, which in its diversity is progressing, and is establishing itself as the second bloc,” analysis Jean-Christophe Gallien. “The big theme of Sunday night is everyone’s satisfaction”he concluded.
Eddy Vautrin-Dumaine, director of studies at Verian, anticipates for his part “a speech a little different, no doubt, from the very victorious one that we heard” from the RN after the first round. The party could castigate “a democratic denial” and the “desire not to listen to the French people who spoke in the first round”.