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More modern, more discreet, but not obsolete, clocks are more and more common in companies. What to control the hours of presence, but they can sometimes be more intrusive.
Who is behind or ahead? In a business district, some pick up the pace because they have to clock in. “For me, it’s not necessary because the employees are responsible enough”thinks a man. In a mutual insurance company, employees paid by the hour must report morning, noon and evening. They can therefore adjust their schedule, but must work 35 hours a week. For the manager, this simplifies work relations, because everything can be checked.
Time clocks no longer look like the time clocks of yesteryear, a sheet with the hours recorded. A legacy of the industrial revolution. Their return rejoices the manufacturers. One of them recorded +46% sales last year. A production operator is working on individual clocks that allow each cleaned room to be checked when the cleaning lady does her clocking. There are also digital time clocks that allow you to clock in via an application and geolocate yourself. The CNIL objected to the score by fingerprint, photo or video. According to a lawyer, regardless of the type of badge reader, the employee must be informed.