The Best Pastry Chef Celebrities: Norbert Tarayre admits that Camille Lacourt “screwed up” him

After four seasons of Best Celebrity Pastry Chef broadcast on M6, the show now switches to Gulli for its fifth edition, the launch of which is expected this Wednesday, January 5, 2022. And that’s not the only change! While viewers are used to finding Cyril Lignac for this gourmet meeting, it is ultimately Norbert Tarayre who has been appointed to replace him alongside Mercotte. A new challenge for the father of four children, whom he took pleasure in taking up, not without some trepidation.

I was afraid of not pleasing Mercotte, because she has a strong character. But everything went very well and we had a good laugh. We had a very pleasant time together. I played the troublemaker trying to confuse the celebrities a bit. My role is to bring lightness as I do in The Best Bakery “, he confided in an interview for Paris here.

Norbert Tarayre will have dealt with 24 celebrities this season. Among them are Cécile de Ménibus, Malika Ménard, Joyce Jonathan, Jérôme Anthony, Lola Dubini, Les Frangines, Nadia Roz, Lou, Erika Moulet, Julie Ferrier and Camille Lacourt. The chef remembers very well his first contact with the swimmer, whose physique was a little too advantageous for his taste. “Camille Lacourt, really handsome kid, he screwed my balls!“, he confessed to our colleagues, laughing.

More seriously, Norbert Tarayre is delighted that all the candidates have “taken to the game”. “They all watch the show and were super excited to be on it. Mercotte put a little pressure on them when I was laughing with them, we were a bit like salt and pepper“, he said. Sequences to discover from this Wednesday evening on Gulli!

Note that Norbert Tarayre will also be on the air on M6 from January 10, on the occasion of the 9th season of The best bakery in France.

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