The best of the pressure cooker | Quickly done, well done according to Ricardo

The Ricardo Cuisine team published a special edition of its magazine this winter, The best of the pressure cooker.

Posted at 4:00 p.m.

Isabelle Audet

Isabelle Audet
The Press

A release hailed by fans of this multifunction device especially appreciated for pressure cooking (a tender stew to perfection in less than an hour, who says better?).

Because publications of recipes in French for pressure cookers are becoming rarer, we took advantage of this and tested 8 of the magazine’s 70 recipes.

In order to make sure that it was possible to make them without having a Ricardo brand pressure cooker, we put them to the test with an Instant Pot device.

Result: quick (very) well-made meals, which considerably lightened the routine during the week. The guide is suitable for new users of this device, but regulars can easily add their two cents and adapt the recipes to the tastes of the family.

The best of the pressure cooker

The best of the pressure cooker

Ricardo Media

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