The ten best jam makers in France and overseas are in Eguzon, in Indre, until July 31. They take part in the first French jam makers championship. This is an opportunity for the public to taste multiple flavors. The jury will deliberate this Sunday morning to designate the winner.
Technical tests
This Saturday, the participants submitted to the technical tests. Each finalist had to draw a fruit to be candied. The tests took place face to face. A quarter of an hour before the end, Anthony Carabin, from Meurthe-et-Moselle, stirred his preparation one last time. Corinne Romeder, from Reunion Island, who drew lots for the grapes, was cutting small pieces of fruit. Anthony thought he had better luck with fishing, but it wasn’t so simple. “But it’s true that peaches are a product that is still quite difficult to open, to cut cleanly, without butchering the fruit”says the itinerant confectioner.
– Sarah Vildeuil
Work under the eyes of the public and the jury
Everything that Anthony mentions is part of the jury’s evaluation criteria, not to mention the organization of the work plan or even hygiene. The evaluators scrutinize the slightest gestures of the jam makers, which can be a little confusing. “We may prepare for it but we are still not with our equipmentexplains Corinne, who traveled more than 9,000 kilometers to come to Eguzon from Reunion Island. We are also perhaps a little destabilized in relation to the fruit that we have drawn, we are thinking, we want to do our best.
Upgrading a profession
The objective of this first French Jam Makers Championship is above all to highlight the profession. “Obviously our grandmother who makes jam must continue to make jam!assures the Eguzonais Jean-Christophe Michelet, double world champion and organizer of the competition. Grandmothers’ jams are magical, they leave indelible memories for everyone. But the profession of jam maker is a little different. It takes skill.”
– Sarah Vildeuil
– Sarah Vildeuil
Until Sunday, the jam makers will try to convince you. A competition for amateurs and children is also planned.