The Besançon Comtoise Fair is coming to an end

Stéphane and his friends stroll quietly through the aisles of the dining hall. It was out of the question for them to miss the 94th edition of the Comtoise Fair from Besancon. “It’s been three years since we came because of the covid. Finally, we are free, we don’t have a mask, we breathe, we can have a drink quietly, we can shake hands, we can kiss…” he lists. Conclusion : “we live again!”

I have the nostalgia of children’s games

Yves stops in front of the games at the fair. He too thinks back to a certain time. “I have the nostalgia of children’s games” he said, looking up at the Ferris wheel. This regular at the fair has a technique of his own so as not to miss anything: “Once, I enter through an entrance then I go around in one direction. Another year, I go around in the other direction. That way it’s original” laughs Yves.

Last exhibition weekend

On the exhibitors’ side, it’s the last straight line before the end of the fair. Laurent is holding his beer stand for the first time in Besançon. “The last 48 hours, it is true that the exhibitors are tired, but there is always a good atmosphere” he says. His ritual? “In the morning it’s oysters with snails. At lunchtime, an aperitif at the bar. And after all goes well”. A successful first time for Laurent!

A little rest for exhibitors

Aurélien has been exhibiting since 2009 and holds his giant meat skewer high. It offers visitors a tasting every day. For him, it’s time to take a break. “We are going to rest a little to start again with more beauty” he promises. Next step: the Strasbourg European Fair next September.

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