The benefits of singing, accessible to all

In the shower, with friends, at karaoke, in the street, in a choir… Music is everywhere in our society, but some have not made it their business. “It’s not for me”, they will say. But then, isn’t everyone able to sing? With a few exceptions, yes! On the other hand, we are not all equal in our ability to sing well. Some achieve this more easily than others.

Among the 5% of people who “cannot sing”, we find those who are affected by amusia, that is to say, they are unable to read a score or recognize an air of, or arrhythmia, i.e. who have a heart that does not beat regularly. These latter people generally fail to clap their hands at the same time as the others.

everyone can sing

If almost everyone can sing, it should be noted that we are not all equal in chance of obtaining a diva voice. But there are techniques for that.

Countertenor Mathieu Salama gives us his techniques for making singing a daily ally that can help you feel good and be happy.

He presents the “FASILA” singing method to us with exercises for both initiation and improvement in the cat.

Mathieu Salama is an opera singer, pianist and guitarist.

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