the belligerents agree on a two-month truce

The goal “is to give Yemenis a necessary stop to this violence, humanitarian assistance and hope that this conflict can end, which is the most important thing”, said Hans Grundberg, UN envoy on Friday. Yemen.

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A temporary respite and the hope that it lasts. The warring parties in the conflict in Yemen, which has pitted pro-government forces against Houthi rebels since 2014, have agreed to a two-month truce starting on Saturday, the United Nations announced on Friday (April 1).

“The belligerents have responded positively to the United Nations’ proposal for a two-month truce which will come into effect tomorrow [samedi] April 2 at 7 p.m.said Hans Grundberg, UN envoy for Yemen, in a statement. He adds that this truce could be “renewed with the consent of the parties”.

The announcement of this truce, which comes into force on the first day of the holy month of Ramadan, comes after intra-Emenite consultations were held on Wednesday in Riyadh, in the absence of Houthi rebels refusing any dialogue in the territory. “enemy”. Yemeni pro-government forces have been backed for seven years by a Saudi-led military coalition, while Houthi rebels are backed by Iran.

According to the UN, the conflict has caused the death of nearly 380,000 people, the majority of them indirect deaths linked to hunger, disease and lack of drinking water, while millions of others have been displaced. A large part of the population, especially children, is facing acute hunger, with situations close to famine. The goal “is to give Yemenis a necessary stop to this violence, humanitarian assistance and hope that this conflict can end, which is most important”has followed Hans Grundberg.

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