As far as Marie-Christine, used to the place, can remember, the Bellebouche pond had never been prohibited for swimming. However, since Friday July 22, impossible to swim or paddle. In question, cyanobacteria, micro-organisms that thrive in fresh water when it is very hot and there is not enough rain. Their rate is eight times too high. “We had planned to go boating with our granddaughter. It will be for next time. We’re going to make sand castles this morning, and this afternoon, we’re going to tree climbing to keep it busy.“, she says. On the beach, they feel very alone. A few visitors venture to the edge of the pond to discover the explanatory panels.
In the alleys of the campsite, holidaymakers are preparing to pack up. This is the case of Natacha, who came by motorhome from Brittany with her family: “We chose to make a detour to come to this holiday village near the pond. We are a little disappointed. We’re going to hit the road again since we can’t swim“. For the moment, no reopening date is envisaged.
– Emma Steven
The Bellebouche area has tree climbing and mini-golf
With the closure of the leisure center, half of the daily turnover disappears. “We lose between 500 and 1,000 euros per day“, specifies Damien Veron, its director. He hopes that thanks to mini-golf and the new tree climbing, vacationers and walkers will find something to do. “For the moment, we notice that a few people have reported on these two activities. It is all the more pleasant that they are in the shade“, says one of the instructors.
Analyzes will be done weekly to determine the level of cyanobacteria. But for Damien Veron, this situation is worrying longer term. “There is about 2 meters of water missing in the pond. For the rate of cyanobacteria to decrease, it would have to rain and the temperatures to go down. With climate change, it could happen again.“, alarmed the manager.