the Belgian justice confirms the authorization of his transfer to France

The 51-year-old man, suspected of having run into two gendarmes on Thursday August 25 in Vidaillat, in Creuse, was arrested on Friday September 2 in Belgium.

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The Belgian justice confirmed this Thursday the authorization of the surrender to the French justice of Robert Hendy-Freegard, learned franceinfo from the parquet floor of Halle-Vilvoorde, in Belgium. This British crook, having inspired Netflix, is suspected of attempted murder of two gendarmes for having run over them in the car, on August 25 in Vidaillat in the Creuse.

>> Mythomane, con man convicted in England, subject of a Netflix documentary … What we know about the man who attacked two gendarmes in the Creuse

The indictment division of the Brussels Court of Appeal confirmed the decision of the Brussels council chamber of September 15, against which Robert Hendy-Freegard had appealed. He still has a final possible appeal before the Belgian Court of Cassation.

Target of a European arrest warrant issued by French justice, the 51-year-old Briton was arrested on September 2 on a Belgian highway in the Ghent sector thanks to a video surveillance device which made it possible to locate his vehicle.

On August 25, during an inspection of his canine breeding of 26 dogs kept in cages in Vidaillat, Robert Henry-Freegard had started his car, ran into the gendarmes and fled. Known to British police, he was the subject of the documentary The Puppetmaster: manipulation lessons and fiction film RogueAgentboth streaming on Netflix.

In 2005, he was sentenced in his country to life imprisonment for kidnapping, deception, theft from students and women, from whom he had extracted more than a million pounds, in particular by posing as a spy for the MI5, the British internal intelligence service. He was released in 2009 after his conviction was overturned by an appeals court.

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