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To catch our breath, recharge our batteries or even give us a moment of reflection, here are various books… which do good!

Happiness in 45 lessons

Buddhism changed his life. And might well change yours too. At least that’s what Madeleine Arcand, co-founder of the Espace Rose Buddha, wants, who has just published a practical book with a catchy title: 10 minutes from happiness. The result of many retreats, training (including an online course on Buddhist scriptures offered by Harvard) and certifications in yoga and various meditation, she offers 45 lessons of 10 minutes inspired by Buddhist principles. Objective: to end anxiety, anger, sadness, guilt, and finally live the life you want. To improve reading, 18 audio meditations of 5 to 15 minutes are suggested, offered free of charge on the app. Rose Buddha Meditations.

Silvia Galipeau, Press

10 minutes from happiness - less stress, more joy

10 minutes from happiness – less stress, more joy

Man’s Editions

247 pages

Find and achieve balance

Six years after the publication of Buena vida, the story of the serious episode of depression that she experienced in 2011, the musician Florence K launches Nueva vida – Leading the Dance with a Mental Health Disorder. She recounts how, over the past few years, she has struggled with relapses and seen her mental health disorder evolve – finally being diagnosed with bipolar type II disorder in 2017; at the same time, she was going back to school to fulfill her dream of becoming a psychologist. Nueva vida looks back on his daily struggle, on his efforts to find and achieve balance as the publication of Buena vida had allowed her to finally lift the veil on what she was going through, without shame or taboos. This intimate and sincere book reveals in a way the repercussions of this realization that henceforth, in his life, “there would be a before and an after”.

Laila Maalouf, Press

Nueva vida - Leading the Dance with a Mental Health Disorder

Nueva vida – Leading the Dance with a Mental Health Disorder

Free expression

264 pages

Truly intimate journal

While there are certainly already many applications to allow women to follow their cycle (we think of Clue, Glow, Eve, etc.), this Menstrual diary, signed Mme The Ovary (to which we owe the famous period panties), in reality offers much more than a simple follow-up. Think: information on periods, ovulation, hormonal fluctuations, tips and tricks included. All presented in an accomplice tone, without taboos, suddenly “did you know that”, “attention! “And other” really important little notes “. It’s fun and informative, nicely illustrated, in addition to being awfully practical. To offer to a young teenager in your life.

Silvia Galipeau, Press

Menstrual diary

Menstrual diary

Man’s Editions

156 pages

Taming your fears


Extract of Let’s laugh with Leon – Leon and the fears, by Annie Groovie

From the fear of spiders to that of clowns through the fear of disappointing, Annie Groovie and her adorable character Léon dissect 29 fears in this documentary as informative as it is funny. In addition to explaining the origin of these different fears, the author offers advice on how to tame them. Afraid of shadows? Why not make them fun by turning them into a bunny, for example? Illustrated with short comics, this caring book will allow children to name what scares them and better understand why. “I wish you to overcome your greatest fears, especially those which prevent you from fulfilling yourself and feeling good. […] Good luck ! », Concludes the author.

Véronique Larocque, Press

Let's laugh with Leon - Leon and the fears

Let’s laugh with Leon – Leon and the fears

Editions Presses aventure

From 6 years old

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