The beautiful evolution of Caroline Savoie | The Press

To produce her third album, Acadian singer-songwriter Caroline Savoie dreamed of hiring guitarist Joe Grass. “I like the work he does with Patrick Watson and Elisapie. We always know it’s him. Plus, he’s from Moncton! »

Posted at 8:00 a.m.

Josee Lapointe

Josee Lapointe
The Press

She then sent him a long email, “a novel! “, in which she explained to him all the ins and outs of her project. “It took me a week to write it. He just replied:Yeah, I remember you, let’s do it!“Easy as well. »

It was only one of the stages in the process of affirmation of the 27-year-old singer-songwriter, “eternal emerging artist” who has been rolling her bump for ten years.

Participant in The Voice in France in 2014 when she was only 19 years old – in Mika’s team, she went to the top 16 –, winner of the Festival de la chanson de Granby in 2015, Caroline Savoie has hundreds of shows to her credit on both sides of the Atlantic, two albums, a few successes, including the excellent one thousand and oneand even lent his voice to Émile Bilodeau in his song Candie.

“It has advantages to start young, I feel grounded. But I feel like I never took the time to define my artistic identity,” says the singer, whose exuberant personality contrasts with her more serious universe.

I look at Ariane Roy or Lou-Adriane Cassidy, who arrive with impressive debut albums, and I say to myself: but how come I wasn’t able to do that? Why didn’t I take the time?

Caroline Savoy

The forced break of the pandemic allowed her to reflect on who she really was, to make changes in her team, to work more on her texts. “At some point, I said to myself: just take the best of what you can do and make this album. There, I feel as if he left me 100%. »

During the process, Joe Grass kicked her ass a few times, but “with kindness”, and she learned to decide and take more responsibility for her role as a leader. “I’ve always let people lead me a bit. »

And did she find who Caroline Savoie is? “Maybe I’ll never know!” But basically, I wanted to put the author-composer forward, ”says the one who grew up listening to Piaf and Bécaud on one side, Bob Dylan and Neil Young on the other. “I really like the song. Concoct a good song, the story, the message. It’s my thing. »

In White noisesCaroline Savoie talks about ecological concerns or the aftermath of a love affair, pays homage to her grandfather or evokes the region of Cap-des-Caissie, in New Brunswick.

We just lived two years not the fun. On top of all this overload, you have to carry on with your own issues and learn to navigate through it all. That’s why the album is called White noises. We must continue despite what bothers us.

Caroline Savoy

Each of the songs is like a little indie pop piece with a well-defined universe. What connects them is very much the magnificent voice of Caroline Savoie, her ” hand instrument”, which exudes a stirring mixture of strength and cracks. “I worked hard to perfect it,” she admits. How to use your voice to convey an emotion, I find that powerful. »

Unlike her Acadian compatriots, Caroline Savoie does not sing in Chiac. The singer who now lives in Montreal still has Acadie tattooed on her heart. “He is an endless source of inspiration. »

The one who feels the heiress of Edith Butler, Mari-Jo Thério, Hay Babies and other Lisa LeBlanc is proud to be part of this community. “Without them, I wouldn’t be here!” She also carries this mind-blowing energy of Acadian women who are, as she says, “very no bullshit”. “I have a song called I am not a flower precisely because of that. I’m not delicate. »

There is still a vulnerability in these ten songs where it is revealed a lot. Caroline Savoie now hopes that White noises will know how to touch people, and she wants her career to advance like those of Salomé Leclerc, Marie-Pierre Arthur or Feist, whose evolution we can feel from one album to another.

“I’ve lived from music for ten years and I’m very grateful for it. If I can have a few more people following me each time, work with people I feel good with and feel a change all the time, I would be happy. »

White noises


White noises

Caroline Savoy

Simone Records

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