the beautiful blonde captivates all eyes in full cardiac massage!

Red Cross Ambassador Adriana Karembeu knows how to roll up her sleeves for a good cause. On September 10, the beautiful blonde showed the people of Avignon how to make a heart massage on the occasion of world first aid day. Results, everyone was very attentive. “On the train to join the volunteers of the #croixrouge du Vaucluse! If you want to learn how to save lives, go all over France and overseas for World First Aid Day”she wrote on Instagram that same day in the caption of a selfie wearing the association’s polo shirt.

The former model is on all fronts, for the good cause and with his loved ones. While she revealed having fun in bed, at 51, Adriana Karembeu dreams of only one thing: to expand her little family, of which little Nina, four, is already a part. “Unfortunately, I think I missed the train. I’m going to be 51 in September, so it’s complicated… but I would have loved to have another child so much!”, she confided to Nikos Aliagas in “50 Minutes Inside” last July. And adoption? “I would have loved it too, but my husband (businessman Aram Ohanian) is a little more reluctant. That’s another one of my big regrets. But, maybe I need to work on it a bit …”she explained.

If Adrianna Karembeu was late to have her daughter Nina, 4 years old, she confided during this interview about her traumas from the past: “As, at home, a child, it was something that annoyed more than anything else, unconsciously, it took me away from this decision. I was afraid of being a bad mother, as my father was a bad dad. I didn’t want to try.” Today, Adrianna Karembeu enjoys every moment spent with her little Nina, whose strong character she mentioned during an interview with Extraordinary powers of the human body. “She’s a tomboy, she’s very tough. She knows what she wants and she doesn’t let go of anything, but then nothing”, she blurted out.

Laura Bertrand

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