the beaches of Malibu, a ribbon of sand facing the Pacific very popular with the stars


Video duration:
5 min

France 2

Article written by

France 2 – F. Genauzeau, T. Donzel, K. Sullivan Den Bergh

France Televisions

Head to the beaches of Malibu, California, a city that became famous thanks to a series in the 90s. They have also become the refuge of the biggest stars.

It is a ribbon of fine sand, protected by the mountains on one side, and exposed to the assaults of the Pacific Ocean on the other. Malibu (California, United States), refuge of Hollywood stars and legend for surfing enthusiasts, is a summary of life made in California. How did the seaside town of 10,000 inhabitants become a source of fascination around the world? “Until the early 90s, people who bought in Malibu were those who couldn’t necessarily afford to live closer to Los Angeles”says David Oakes, tour guide.

The star’s place

A series changed the situation. For 10 years, Baywatch (Baywatch) made the city’s reputation. Tens of millions of people followed her. Since then, many stars have come to settle here. In May 2023, Beyoncé and Jay-Z purchased a sumptuous villa for $200 million, which became the most expensive property ever sold in California. They have other famous neighbors, like Cindy Crawford, Leonardo DiCaprio and Lady Gaga. “When the stars come here they know that they will be calm, that people will not harass them”says David Oakes.

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