The Bastia Italian Film Festival returns to its normal configuration

It is an unmissable event in the heart of the Corsican winter, the Italian Film Festival of Bastia finds colors and its faithful who have flocked for more than thirty years to discover the always very varied selection concocted by the organizers. “It’s good to have access to the culture of neighboring countries, and it’s good to see these Italian films that we are offered, and that we would not necessarily see elsewhere“, explains a young festival-goer. “It’s true that it’s a good time, we take care with our holidays to be there for the Italian festival, it’s our favorite festival“, adds a regular at the Bastia meeting.

More than thirty years after the first edition, its co-founder never tires of highlighting the Italian culture that he carries in his heart, just like a good part of the Corsicans: “The Corsicans, and the people of Bastia in particular, are very, very close to Italy and to Italian culture. And they rediscover each year, during this enchanted parenthesis in the heart of winter, this Italianness that they carry within them, in terms of culture, gastronomy, music, history, architecture; and I think that’s what makes the strength of our festival“, rejoices Jean-Baptiste Croce.

A festival that highlights all genres, comedies, dramas, historical films but also animation. In short, as every year, there is something for everyone with 25 films screened including 12 in competition which will be decided by the five members of the jury, chaired this year by the director, screenwriter, actor and comedian Eric Fraticelli. For him, no precise criteria, it is the emotion that speaks: “It’s not because I make movies, there I position myself as a spectator, I look at the general impression, am I having a good time, do I like the actors, do the universe pleases me…”

The Jury Prize will be unveiled on February 12 during the closing evening, as will the film that will have received the Audience Prize. Two winning films that will be screened again on Sunday February 13. Also note: additional screenings are scheduled for Monday 14 and Tuesday 15 February.

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