the ban on bullfighting examined in the National Assembly



Article written by

R.Asencio, C.Delacroix, G.Ragris, S.Gravelaine – France 2

France Televisions

After a bill tabled by an LFI deputy, the bill on the prohibition of bullfighting will be examined by the law commission, Wednesday, November 16. In some regions, it is a veritable institution.

While the majority of French people say they are in favor of banning bullfighting, this is not the case in some places, where this practice is rooted in history. “But it is forbidden to ban. (…) Me, I like bulls, leave me my bulls”, reacts vehemently the guardian of the arenas of Arles (Mouths-of the Rhone)Jean-Louis Ayme. This is Aymeric Caron, MP BIA, which carries this bill. He denounces the animal abuse caused by this practice where bulls are put to death.

In Arles, many residents do not want bullfighting to be banned. “There are some difficult moments in what we could say, a form of spectacle for some. But hey, there are so many things worse than that. It’s tradition”argues a resident of the city. For anti-bullfighting activists, this ban is long overdue. “We have been waiting for this for years”says Dominic Arizmendimember of the Association No bullfight. The ban on the practice could be debated on November 24 in the National Assembly.

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