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The Camargue, thanks to its marshes, has become a favorite place for common cranes, recognizable by their very particular cry. They spend the two winter months there. Their population has also exploded in recent years: there are now more than 20,000.
We first hear their cry before seeing their long silhouette. Nearly 8,000 common cranes spend the winter in the marshes of Vigueirat, in the Camargue. It is their most important dormitory in the Camargue. The particular cry of common cranes gave their name to these birds. The function of this cry is essential to their life in community. Corentin Dépernet, naturalist guide, explains that this cry allows them to stay in contact with their partners or their offspring.
Twenty years ago, there were only 67 common cranes in the Camargue. From now on, they are 20,000 to land there in the fall, rather than continuing their migration to the Maghreb. An increase which is explained by global warming, but also by the fact that the Camargue is an area where food is very important. In the spring, the common cranes will set off for Scandinavia.