The baldness of prince Harry abusively made up by “People magazine” in One: the Web rises!

Mocking about the baldness of his big brother, Prince William, Prince Harry is not left out either, hair loss issue … Also, when Internet users discovered this week the cover of the magazine Peoplewho shares exclusive confidences of the cadet, they were surprised to say the least.

Alert: Photoshop abuse?

On the front page, the American newspaper chose a visibly retouched photo of Meghan Markle’s husband, which shows a very thick, obscured tuft of hair. Which of course does not at all reflect the reality of her rather bald and red haircut. For years now, we have seen the back of his skull lose a little more volume every day. To the point where the Duchess of Sussex would even have made an appointment for him to do implants, before their arrival in Los Angeles, in 2020.

For his part, Prince William played it more natural, in London. In 2021, he even dared to shave the last few hairs he had left on the rock. A gamble that earned him the designation that year as “Sexiest Bald Man Alive”by a Longevita study conducted among 17.6 million people.

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But this is not at all the feeling that Prince Harry has, who has made it known in writing in recent days. In his memoirs,The Substitute”it must be said that the resigning member of the royal family refuses nothing, in terms of low blows.

“His disturbing baldness, more advanced than mine

He indeed tackles his big brother, Prince William, on the physical and assures in particular about his hair “I looked at Willy. […] Everything appeared to me as a whole: the annoyed expression he had always affected in front of me; his disturbing baldness, more advanced than mine; his famous resemblance to mom, which dissipated over time. With age. In some ways he was my mirror; by others, he was my exact opposite”. Atmosphere.


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