The Bakery “L’Essentiel” in the national final of “The best bakery in France”

From February 21 to 25, Norbert Tarayre and Bruno Cormerais traveled around the Ile de France in search of THE bakery that will represent the region in the national final.

And it’s the “L’Essentiel” Bakery which was chosen. You were able to discover it in the show on Tuesday February 22 where it was in competition against the Aurélie Ribay bakery.

Anthony who was trained during 7 years with the Compagnons du Devoir, is currently at the head of 4 bakeries and 100 employees. Among these, Cyril, French dessert champion in 2017 who therefore teamed up with the boss for the show.

As soon as they arrived on site, Norbert Tarayre and Bruno Cormerais were impressed by the shop and the welcome and awarded him the exceptional average of 10 out of 10. A remarkable start.

And our jury had a hard time finding flaws in the rest of the proofs. Maybe “a little lack of bitterness” for the signature product which still wins an average of 9 out of 10. “A simple recipe but an elegant and good product” explains Bruno Cormerais for this Kash-nuttya cake prepared with Kasha, “shelled and roasted” buckwheat.

Hazelnut, a taste that the jury was able to find during the “bread of choice” test since Anthony and Cyril presented “Gaïa” one of the ingredients of which is the pre-germinated flax seed with a nutty taste and which is renowned for its benefits thanks to the Omega 3 it contains.

For the last step, “Creation”, the 2 craftsmen had to imagine an product that must include pecan pralines. They then presented a pastry combining different textures and citrus fruits, entitled “Le carrousel”, a nice nod to fairgrounds. For this test, they obtained an average of 8.5 out of 10.

With 9.3 out of 10one of the best averages of the show all seasons combined, The bakery l’Essentiel in the 12th arrondissement was therefore chosen to represent the Ile de France during the national final of the show “The best bakery”.

Anthony was our guest this Monday, February 28 in the program “4 p.m. – 6 p.m.: It’s happy hour on France Bleu Paris”. So what is his secret? Answer below.

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