The back-to-school allowance will be paid on August 20 in mainland France, Guadeloupe, Guyana and Martinique

Awarded according to the resources of the year 2022, this allowance is increased by around twenty euros compared to last year.



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Students at the start of the school year in a primary school in Valence (Drôme), September 4, 2023. (NICOLAS GUYONNET / HANS LUCAS / AFP)

With just two weeks to go before the return to school, nearly 3 million families are getting ready to benefit from a welcome boost. Conditional on household resources, the back-to-school allowance will be paid by the Family Allowance Funds or the Mutualité Sociale Agricole on Tuesday, August 20, to parents of children aged 6 to 18 residing in mainland France, as well as in the departments of Guadeloupe, Guyana and Martinique.

Families also affected but residing in Mayotte and Réunion received payment of the allowance on August 6, to adapt to the early start of the school year in these departments.

Provided that the ceilings set per dependent child are respected, available on, the amounts range around 400 euros. For each child aged 6 to 10, the payment will be 416.40 euros, compared to 439.38 euros for 11 to 14 year-olds. Finally, for a teenager over the age of fifteen and until they come of age, the allowance paid will be 454.60 euros. That is an increase of around twenty euros for each age group.

This revaluation of 4.6% over one year remains however insufficient, according to the Trade Union Confederation of Families, for “fill the 4.9% inflation in 2023”. In its guide “Cost of schooling 2024”, this group of associations also estimates that “The gap of 38 euros between primary and secondary school is far from reflecting the reality of the expenses incurred by families throughout the year.”

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