“The Bachelor” will be a woman

My secret admirer
What if we met
or What if we told each other everything, M6 is preparing to deepen its streaming offering in the second part of the evening. In a press release, the channel which will face the departure of Nicolas de Tavernost in a few weeks announces the arrival of a brand new reality TV Monday March 25, 2024 from 11:10 p.m. Code name: Heartbreaker or Prince Charming?

This new show is reminiscent of the concept of Bachelor, a cult reality TV show that M6 broadcast for a few years in the mid-2000s, and which was then relaunched by the TF1 group. This brand should also make its big comeback on M6 next seasonwith a new variation this time dedicated to seniors, since the Bachelor will be a retired man, at least 65 years old. All of his contenders will also be in their sixties. But in this new, unique concept, the Bachelor will be a woman since the latter will face 14 suitors who have come to seduce her. But be careful, there is a catch!

If a heartbreaker wins, he will win 20,000 euros

Indeed, the young single woman will not be alone in deciding. She will be accompanied throughout her adventure by a therapist specializing in couples and human relations. She will be there to help her see clearly the game of the 14 suitors facing her, because some of them will be there only to trap her. Indeed, this game is cruel: the heartbreakers will have to do everything to show themselves as sincere and natural with the young woman, in order not to be unmasked. Over the course of the episodes, she will eliminate suitors, in the hope of choosing a prince charming. But if the chosen one of his heart turns out to be a heartbreaker, the latter will leave with the nice sum of 20,000 euros !

To succeed in detecting the traps and possible lies of the seducers, the Bachelorette will be able to count on the support of the professional, but will she be able to see clearly into the game of the heart-wrenching seducers, or will the latter succeed, them too, to trap her? The marriage therapist will obviously not be informed by producing the number of heartworms and their identity, and will have to investigate, alongside the young woman. A concept that can please, and which will thus add spice to the one that we have always known with The Bachelor. See you on March 25… on M6!

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