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The Restos du Cœur are launching their big collection in 7,000 supermarkets in France on Friday March 3. Among the beneficiaries are single-parent families. The Babies of the Heart association comes to the aid of these isolated mothers.
Once a week, a mother comes to get supplies from a help center located in Poissy (Yvelines). “Every week, there are the nappies and then the milk, it reduces the expenses of the month a little”she says. Reducing bills has become an emergency as the prices of children’s products continue to rise. At the Babies of the Heart centre, families can find everything. “We have cotton and wipes, we have small savory-sweet jars, we have milk (…) and we have hygiene”describes Sylviane Crapart, head of the Babies of the Heart center.
110,000 babies supported last year
In the center, donations only concern babies up to 18 months. They are more and more numerous. In eight years, their number has increased from 35 to 191. Often their mothers are homeless. Insecurity is also increasingly affecting families. Dads also come to fill the shopping carts. Last year, 110,000 babies were supported in the Babies of the Heart centres.