the Azovstal steel plant, the last stronghold defended by Ukrainian forces in Mariupol, has come under Russian control

What there is to know

It was the last pocket of resistance in this strategic port on the Sea of ​​Azov. The Azovstal steelworks in Mariupol came under Russian control on May 20. In the early evening, the spokesman for the Russian Ministry of Defense claimed that the steel complex was “passed under the complete control of the Russian Armed Forces” after the surrender of the last Ukrainian soldiers. Footage released by Moscow showed cohorts of men in combat gear emerging from the steelworks, some with crutches or bandages, after a long battle that had become a symbol of Ukrainian resistance to the Russian invasion. For its part, kyiv rejects the term surrender, Volodymyr Zelensky evoking “rescuing our heroes”. Follow our live.

Russian gas for Finland has been cut off. Russia’s gas supply to Finland was cut off on Saturday, Finland’s state-owned energy company Gasum said, after the Nordic country refused to pay supplier Gazprom in roubles. She added that the gas would now be supplied from other sources via the Balticconnector gas pipeline, which connects Finland to Estonia.

“Intense fire” in the Donbass. After failing to take kyiv and Kharkiv, Russia is concentrating its military efforts in the East and South. “The enemy is constantly carrying out offensive operations in the eastern operational zone in order to establish full control of the territory of the Donetsk and Lugansk regions and to maintain the land corridor with the temporarily occupied Crimea”, described the staff of the Ukrainian forces on Facebook on Saturday morning. In the Donbass coalfield, partially controlled since 2014 by pro-Russian separatists, Russian Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu assured that the conquest of the Lugansk region was “almost complete”. Ukrainian Defense Ministry spokesman Oleksandr Motouzianyk argued that the situation “showed signs of worsening” and “The Russian occupation forces are carrying out intense fire along the entire front line”.

Former pro-Russian, the mayor of Odessa castigates Moscow. Formerly considered a politician with pro-Russian tendencies, the mayor of the Ukrainian city of Odessa, Gennady Troukhanov, spoke of his feelings during an interview with AFP. “The Russians are currently on our land and they are bombing our cities, killing our people and our soldiers”, he laments. For him, a point of no return has been crossed: there can no longer be any question of any Russian-Ukrainian friendship. He castigates the air raids, the blockade of the Black Sea and the millions of tons of grain stuck in the ports, including Odessa. “Putin destroyed everything”he fumes.

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